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Bayview Hotel

Kelly's by the Sea

173-175 Nelson Place,, WILLIAMSTOWN VIC 3016 - Property No B5388

A hotel built in 1910 to the design of Gordon McCrae in a restrained Edwardian free-style of red brick with cement dressings, the capitals and keystone at the entrance elaborated with coprosma flat-leaf decoration of art nouveau character. The hotel was delicensed in 1929, has had the facade altered by the insertion of a shop front, and has no significant interior features remaining. Classified: 19/09/1985



Former Western Hotel

Bayview Hotel ,  Commercial Hotel

2 Mercer Street,, GEELONG VIC 3220 - Property No B0938

The Bay View Hotel, a 3 storey stone structure originally known as the Western Hotel, was erected in 1853 on a corner site at 2 Mercer Street, Geelong, for publican Henry Rourke. Architect John Young designed this stylised Renaissance Revival structure with a Barrabool Sandstone facade, basalt plinth, rusticated ground floor, and ashlar upper floors all enhanced with enframed windows, balustraded parapet and curved corner entrance. The Hotel was one of 19 hotels erected in ... more

